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Charging starts on the 12. Next payments starts on the 12. Created for dedicated practicioners and everyone who is eager to learn more about Kung Fu, Qi Gong and the Shaolin Arts. Start your personal journey! Shaolin. Online Shi Heng Yi Online Training. DIscover the 5 ELEMENT FIST. The vision of the Shaolin Temple Europe is to spread the knowledge of an over 1500 year old tradition to the western modern world. With great appreciation for learning this form master Shi Heng Yi shares this special Kung Fu Form with the name of Wu Xing Quan transmitted by Grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan. The Shaolin Temple Yunnan Online Learning Platform includes e-courses taught to students over the Internet in an ONLINE LEARNING environment. They are self-paced and allow for greater flexibility in completing the material. Get our best offer and save 50 % with our Bundle Deal on the 12-month Self-Mastery program and the Shu Jing Gong course. Your personal online shop profile. Instantly ready, easy to use and equipped with all features you need to generate revenue on the internet. Subscribe and watch ALL Videos for FREE! Below you will find a summary of introductory videos into the Shaolin Arts by Master Shi Heng Yi. You can watch them ALL FOR FREE after signing-in by using your E-Mail address for the registration. (The registration is only 1 time. Not for every video). Shaolin Ba Duan Jin can be translated as the 8 Silk Brocades or the 8 Treasures Qi Gong. It is a short and easy to remember routine. It consists of 8 postures with variations in breathing, tensioning and concentration. Learn more about Shaolin Kung Fu, Qi Gong and other Shaolin Arts. Discover ancient methods that inherit the knowledge to change your life
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An order form is loading above, if the form should not appear click here. Learn more about Shaolin Kung Fu, Qi Gong and other Shaolin Arts. Subscribe and watch ALL Videos for FREE! Below you will find a summary of introductory videos into the Shaolin Arts by Master Shi Heng Yi. You can watch them ALL FOR FREE after signing-in by using your E-Mail address for the registration. (The registration is only 1 time. Not for every video). Welcome, this is a closed group for dedicated Shaolin Practitioners who are part of the 12-month Self-Mastery program on. No problem! Just enter your email address, you will receive a link to the course area without password. Get the Magic-Link now! Your personal online shop profile. Instantly ready, easy to use and equipped with all features you need to generate revenue on the internet. Get our best offer and save 50 % with our Bundle Deal on the 12-month Self-Mastery program and the Shu Jing Gong course. Created for dedicated practicioners and everyone who is eager to learn more about Kung Fu, Qi Gong and the Shaolin Arts. Start your personal journey! Shaolin. Online Shi Heng Yi Online Training. DIscover the 5 ELEMENT FIST. The vision of the Shaolin Temple Europe is to spread the knowledge of an over 1500 year old tradition to the western modern world. With great appreciation for learning this form master Shi Heng Yi shares this special Kung Fu Form with the name of Wu Xing Quan transmitted by Grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan. Practice Kung Fu, Qi Gong and other Shaolin Arts in the monastery for one weekend (3 days) or one week (6 days) together with the community of the Shaolin Temple Europe. Charging starts on the 12. Next payments starts on the 12 Societatea pune la dispoziie Site-ul CA ATARE, CU TOATE VICIILE ?i ASTFEL CUM ACESTA ESTE DISPONIBIL, fara vreo garan?ie expresa sau implicita., shaolin online.
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Subscribe and watch ALL Videos for FREE! Below you will find a summary of introductory videos into the Shaolin Arts by Master Shi Heng Yi. You can watch them ALL FOR FREE after signing-in by using your E-Mail address for the registration. (The registration is only 1 time. Not for every video). DIscover the 5 ELEMENT FIST. The vision of the Shaolin Temple Europe is to spread the knowledge of an over 1500 year old tradition to the western modern world. With great appreciation for learning this form master Shi Heng Yi shares this special Kung Fu Form with the name of Wu Xing Quan transmitted by Grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan. The Shaolin Temple Yunnan Online Learning Platform includes e-courses taught to students over the Internet in an ONLINE LEARNING environment. They are self-paced and allow for greater flexibility in completing the material. Learn more about Shaolin Kung Fu, Qi Gong and other Shaolin Arts. Discover ancient methods that inherit the knowledge to change your life. An order form is loading above, if the form should not appear click here. Discover ancient training methods to develop strength, unity of body and mind and explore your potential with internal and external practices. Overcome your hindrances and begin your personal journey towards Self-Mastery. Shaolin Ba Duan Jin can be translated as the 8 Silk Brocades or the 8 Treasures Qi Gong. It is a short and easy to remember routine. It consists of 8 postures with variations in breathing, tensioning and concentration. Learn more about Shaolin Kung Fu, Qi Gong and other Shaolin Arts. Discover ancient methods that inherit the knowledge to change your life. 1 We regularly release updates to improve your experience. No problem! Just enter your email address, you will receive a link to the course area without password. Get the Magic-Link now! Your personal online shop profile. Instantly ready, easy to use and equipped with all features you need to generate revenue on the internet. Get our best offer and save 50 % with our Bundle Deal on the 12-month Self-Mastery program and the Shu Jing Gong course. Learn more about Shaolin Kung Fu, Qi Gong and other Shaolin Arts
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